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Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy (PT) plays a crucial role both before and after surgical procedures. Preoperative Physical Therapy focuses on preparing the body for surgery, while postoperative physical therapy is aimed at promoting optimal recovery and rehabilitation. Here are the benefits of Physical Therapy before and after surgery:

Improved Surgical Outcomes: PT can help optimize your physical condition before surgery, which may lead to better surgical outcomes. 

Enhanced Mobility: Engaging in preoperative exercises can improve joint flexibility and range of motion. This can be particularly important for surgeries that involve joint replacements or repairs.

Muscle Strengthening around the surgical site can contribute to better postoperative stability and support, ultimately aiding in recovery.

Pain Management techniques and exercises that you can use immediately after surgery.


Faster Healing: Postoperative physical therapy is designed to promote proper healing by guiding you through exercises and techniques that prevent complications and encourage tissue repair.

Reduced Pain and Swelling: Therapists can use various modalities and techniques to manage pain and swelling, promoting comfort during the recovery period.

Restored Mobility: Physical therapy can help regain lost range of motion and mobility, preventing stiffness and joint contractures that can occur after surgery.

Muscle Strength and Function: PT focuses on rebuilding muscle strength, endurance, and functional capacity, allowing you to return to your regular activities more confidently.

Scar Tissue Management: Skilled therapists can work on scar tissue management techniques, minimizing scar adhesions and improving tissue elasticity.

Gait and Balance Training: For surgeries that affect your ability to walk or maintain balance, physical therapy helps retrain these skills, reducing the risk of falls and injury.

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